Wednesday, May 21, 2008

State of Things

I am a political junkie and I make no excuses for it. However, as I survey the political grounds that exist these days, I am disgusted by what exists. I have been a Republican my entire life, but I consider myself a "conservative" before any political affiliation. I believe the GOP to be the party of conservatives, but I am concerned about the direction of that party. GOP leaders (Boehner and cronies) sit around and wonder aloud why the party is losing power and they can never reach a consensus. I know what the problem is...YOU GUYS! We have a crop of "moderate" Republicans in Congress (led by our anointed one, John McCain *gag*) who are trying to move the party toward the middle of the political spectrum. This is what is wrong. If people wanted politicians who were soft on issues, they would vote for Democrats...and they are!!!!

Republicans nationwide have become so concerned with retaining power, that they have forgotten about their own constituents. They claim to be "fiscal conservatives" yet continue to support Pork projects and vote for tax increases. Why? Because that's what seems popular. GOP Lawmakers have become so caugh up in popular media that they believe that whatever the news says must be popular. When merely winning and retaining power becomes your goal, then you have forgotten why you were in office. Why has this happened? I blame Karl Rove mostly.

I know my GOP friends just collectively inhaled in fury, thinking that I have cursed God or something equally blasphemous, but I stand by my statement. With the advent of Rove-like approaches toward politics we have become focused on power and control, not issues and policies, which is historically the strenght of the GOP. Take Newt Gingrich for example. Once the bastion of conservative thought, his Contract with America was a brilliant piece of politicking. However, even he has succumbed to the seduction of power. He claims to be a conservative and even wrote a book about how the nation is broken and only conservative principles can save it. Yet in the recent Maryland District 1 primary, he came out and endorsed Wayne "I'm a Conservative?" Gilchrest. Anyone who paid attention to the race knew about Gilchrest's record as a "moderate" and some of the things he has said. He's even been quoted as saying: "If I could restart my political career, I would be a Democrat." HOW IS THIS SUPPORTIVE OF THE GOP? Yet you see Papa Newt out there trying to keep his family in line by supporting Runaway Wayne. Forget that!!!! Why not support someone who stands up for Conservative issues and principles? The same principles that made this country strong? Why not? Because power was to important...Gilchrest was able to convince Newt that if he (Wayne) lost, the seat would most definitely fall into the hands of a Democrat. Anyone who knows CD1 politics knows how unlikely that is, but whatever... I was no supporter of EJ Pipkin in the primary, but at least I would have understood Newt's support for him...but Gilchrest? That slime ball? C'mon Newt...I thought you had balls!

Fortunately, there are those in Congress who seek to stand up for what is Right. I love Jeff Flake of Arizona. He stands up there and analyzes every aspect of every bill, fighting for every dollar included in the bill. Is it sexy? No. Does the leadership hate him? Yes. Is what he doing in the best interests of the GOP? HELL YES! At least someone around here has the cajones (that's Spanish for...cajones) to stand up for what they believe in. Another, Mike Pence, out of Indiana, stands for what is right and what needs to be done. Having lost the leadership position to Boehner, he could have rolled over and gone away. Instead, he continues to lead the fight against the "moderate" policies of many Republicans. Thank you gentlemen for the job you do! Maybe you can steer this ship where it needs to be, because right now we are floundering out in the ocean, adrift without a destination, and we will pay for it in November!!!


Bob said...


I understand you disgust completely. For the first time in my life I am actually in fear of what the next election might bring. If we elect either of the two democrats running for president, we're done as a democracy. Our nation will be sold out for personal gain. What will we leave our grandchildren?

Anonymous said...

Hmm... a blog named after either the state motto of Virginia... or the chastising of Brutus to Caesar... or the phrase shouted by John Wilkes Booth after shooting Lincoln... Which is it?

Interesting points so far... I will check back. I too am not a fan of neo-conservatism.